Thursday, July 19, 2007

Circle of Neo-Con Chatter on Iraq

Following is a Letter To The Editor in our local newspaper by a concerned citizen. Is this a case of deliberate media spin, or media incompetence. I agree with the writer, how about you?

Your July 15 editorial "Trust Petraeus", unwittingly or not, gave the false impression of being factual, objective and frank.
It was not Gen. Petraeus but Frederick W. Kagan, a prominent neo-conservative writing an article for the American Enterprise Institute, who was the acknowledged architect of the "surge", or escalation, in Iraq. Petraeus is carrying out this troop escalation and will report to Congress in September. Do you suppose he will report failure when he has previously said we need to stay in Iraq for many years?
You also cite Kimberly Kagan of Harvard's John Olin Institute of Strategic Studies as saying that Petraeus' efforts have "had some measurable success".Did she decide this by talking to the troops who are actually doing the fighting or by getting Pentagon briefings or by talking with her husband? Oh, yes. She is the wife of "surge" architect Frederick W. Kagan.

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